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Ersthelfertraining - Ihr privater Erste Hilfe Kurs bei Ihnen zuhause

Emergency Training
for Medical Professionals

Why is emergency training for medical professionals important?

Emergency training for medical professionals is a crucial investment in the safety of patients and the practice. With the knowledge and skills acquired in such training, medical professionals can save lives in emergencies.

How often should registered physicians and group practices conduct emergency training with their team?

The Austrian Medical Association stipulates that registered physicians and group practices must conduct recurring emergency training with their staff at least every two years (QS-VO 2024 §8 Abs. 4).


With a 4-hour emergency training for medical professionals with Ersthelfertraining, you will have met this requirement. We come to your practice and train you and your team in medical emergencies practicing emergencies that can actually happen in your doctor’s office.


What are the benefits of an emergency training for medical professionals held by Ersthelfertraining?

  • Individual Adaptation:
    We train you and your team for emergencies that can specifically occur in your practice.

  • Realism:
    We focus on your emergency equipment during the training.

  • Being Up-to-Date:
    We help you and your team keep your knowledge and skills up to date.

Wie funktioniert ein Notfalltraining für medizinisches Fachpersonal?

Unser Team kommt zu Ihnen in die Praxis und führt den Kurs in Ihrer gewohnten Umgebung durch. So können Sie das Gelernte direkt anwenden und sich in realistischen Szenarien üben.

How does emergency training for medical professionals work?

Our team comes to your doctor's office and conducts the course in your familiar work environment. This way, you can apply what you have learned directly in your work environment and practice in realistic scenarios.


What are the necessary prerequisites (space, infrastructure, etc.)?

No special preparations are necessary on your part. We take care of everything. The training location should only have seating and space for exercises on the floor. We bring blankets and non-slip mats for floor exercises with us.


Depending on what and at what level you want to practice, we bring the appropriate course material with us. For this reason, we always discuss the desired course content with our clients before the training, either by phone or email/text messages.

Wie sieht der zeitliche Ablauf aus?

Wir besprechen zuerst, welche Themen den TeilnehmerInnen besonders wichtig sind, um dementsprechend Schwerpunkte im Training legen zu können. Auch klären wir zu Kursbeginn immer ab, welche Erfahrung die TeilnehmerInnen mit in den Kurs bringen, da wir auf dem vorhandenen Wissen auch gerne aufbauen.


Von Anfang an werden Notfallmaßnahmen geübt. Die Übungen werden später im Szenarientraining wiederholt und kombiniert. Zwischen den Übungen gibt es kurze Pausen zur Erholung. Wenn eine längere Pause für zB ein Mittagessen gewünscht ist, lässt sich das auch arrangieren.

What is the schedule like?

We first discuss which topics are particularly important to the participants. At the beginning of the course, we also clarify the participants’ experience, as we like to build on the existing knowledge.


Skills that are tought at the beginning of the training will be repeated and combined in scenario training later on in the training. There are short breaks for recovery between the exercises. If a longer break for lunch, for example, is desired, this can also be arranged.


Was wird in einem Notfalltraining für medizinisches Fachpersonal gelehrt? Welche Inhalte werden vermittelt?

Der Inhalt des Notfalltrainings wird individuell auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Praxis abgestimmt. In der Regel werden folgende Themen behandelt: Reanimation mit Defibrillator, Atemwegsmanagement, Kindernotfälle und Kinderreanimation, Säuglingsnotfälle und Säuglingsreanimation, Atemwegsverlegung, Anaphylaxie, Schockbekämpfung, Rettungstechniken und notfallmedizinische Untersuchung.

Unsere Notfallschulungen für medizinisches Personal unterrichten wir nach den Leitlinien des European Resuscitation Councils (ERC).


What is taught in emergency training for medical professionals? What content is covered?

The content of the emergency training is tailored to the needs of your medical team. Typically, the following topics are covered: resuscitation with a defibrillator, airway management, pediatric emergencies and pediatric resuscitation, infant emergencies and infant resuscitation, airway obstruction, anaphylaxis, shock management, technical rescue techniques, and emergency medical examination.


Our emergency training for medical personnel is taught according to the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).​​


Do you receive a certificate? What can it be used for?

Yes, we issue a course certificate after the medical emergency training. This certificate can be used by healthcare professionals as proof of fulfilling their emergency training requirements.

We are not part of the Education Program of the Austrian Medical Chamber (DFP). Therefore, you will not receive DFP points from the Austrian Academy of Physicians for completing medical emergency training with Ersthelfertraining.

How do I book an emergency training for medical professionals with Ersthelfertraining?​​​​​​

Our courses can be conveniently and easily booked online, by phone, email, or WhatsApp.

Do you have any further questions about our Trainings?

Don't hesitate texting us or giving us a call. We are happy to help! 

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